Saturday Activity
31May, 2019
SERVICE: Trees are God’s great alphabet: With them He writes in shining green Across the world His thoughts serene”
Today plantation drive to make canal area green was initiativedby the school. Students were given a variety of saplings, which included some medicinal herbs as well. The saplings were planted by the students of Grade VIII.
As a policy, we, at SNS, encourage our students to plant a sapling on their birthda
The main objective of initiating such drives in school is to make our students more conscious of their duty as citizens of the world and they have to save Mother Earth from further degradation .They were motivated to learn how-to progress by striking the right balance between sustainability and use of nature’s bounty.
SKILL: Today we conducted card making competition for the students of classes III to V in the School premises.
Students participated in the event, in which they used their abilities and skill to make beautiful cards.
SPORT: A chess match was played by the students of class VI & VII in which students were explained rules of chess first then both classes played chess and enjoyed a lot.
STUDY: To instill love for the poetry and to develop recitation skills amongst the little ones. Hindi Poem Recitation competition was held for class I & II. All children participated and recited poems on different themes related to environment, patriotism, girl child, etc.